The Importance of Checking Your Smoke Alarm

smoke alarm service install norwa

Smoke Alarms are certainly an essential piece of safety equipment. It’s depressing to know that despite having excellent safety switches and other devices, house fires are still common, which not just damage the property but also cost lives.

The primary reason behind house fires is the inappropriate working of the smoke detectors, which might not go off owing to the worn-out batteries, or they might have been removed because of too many false alarms. A majority of people pull their smoke alarms to get them repaired but then forget to get the job done. This small mistake or carelessness sometimes leads to severe mishappenings.

It’s no denying that we all are occupied with plenty of chores, but certain things cannot be neglected as their consequences can be deadly. One such thing is testing and repairing the smoke alarm.

While several professional companies out there can test these smoke alarms, it’s not hard to get it done by yourself. Read on to learn how you can test your smoke alarms and detectors in a couple of minutes without stepping out of your comfort zone.

Testing your smoke detectors

smoke alarm check

Testing your smoke detectors is no rocket science. All you have to do is tap the test button, and the alarm starts sounding. If you have a battery-powered smoke alarm and it doesn’t sound at all, it means that it has a weak signal, and you need to change the battery to get it repaired. Retest the alarm and check if a new battery helps.

However, if your smoke alarm is a hardwired unit, you must call the electrician for professional testing. It is always suggested that hardwired smoke detector installation must be carried out by a licensed residential electrician only.

In both cases, you should create a record of when the smoke alarm was tested and schedule a retest in a month or so, particularly for a battery-operated unit because you can’t be so sure that your smoke alarm will offer persistent beeping when it’s on the way out.

Ideally, a “Replace By” sticker is present on the outer section of a smoke detector to check when it should be replaced. If not outside, you can check it on the inner area by separating the top from its base. Sometimes, the “Replace By” date is not available in the sticker form; it is embossed in plastic. Hence, you should check it carefully.

Smoke Detectors are usually replaced after ten years. So, keep in mind the replacing date and do not ignore it anyhow. If there is no sticker or date mentioned on the equipment, replace it after ten years of buying it without thinking twice.

Rental Properties

If you are living in rental properties, make sure that your landlord or a property owner has provided you with the smoke detectors as it is mandatory. Also, it is the sole responsibility of tenants to replace batteries in smoke alarms under their lease agreement.

While we all believe that property owners and agents fulfill their responsibilities, the truth is far different from this myth. Not everyone meets their obligations, and this carelessness sometimes leads to a serious mishap.

Therefore, ensure the smoke alarms are in working conditions whenever you move into a new apartment, boarding house, or dwelling property. Determine whether the smoke alarm incorporated into an apartment or property is battery-powered or hardwired so you can get it tested accordingly.

Make sure that the landlord meets his legal obligations and has placed smoke alarms on each story. Additionally, smoke alarms should be on the ceiling of every corridor close to a bedroom so that people living in the apartment can escape easily if a house fire breaks out. If you have rented boarding houses, be sure that smoke alarms are located in every room to maintain utmost safety.

How do we maintain your smoke detectors?

Smoke detectors are crucial in saving you and your loved ones’ lives in case of any fire breakouts. It can take less than five minutes for the whole room to be engulfed in flames, then spreading onto other parts of the property so smoke detectors are vital for all residences. 

If you prefer an experienced smoke alarm expert then contact Varley Electric. We listen to your needs so we can provide solutions, and our experienced and qualified electricians can assist you smoke alarm installation, maintenance and compliance, smoke alarm repairs, servicing and maintenance.